
1st International Workshop on Multiphysical Coupling in Magnetism

Lille - March 22nd to 24th !




The first Workshop on Multiphysics and Magnetism 

will be held in LILLE

From wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th of March 2023 







All oral sessions broadcast on Zoom


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This 2-day event aims at gathering original work in the broad research field of applied magnetism in a multiphysics context. The motivation is to unite researchers that are confronted with similar research questions but who rarely or only very limitedly get the chance to interact as coming from very different research backgrounds such as electronics, photonics, solid-state physics, materials research, mechanics, nanotechnology, or any other where magnetism can offer new perspectives and applications. In this frame, examples of research domains range from (but are not limited to) magnetooptics, magnonics, magneto-electrical effects, optomagnetism, spintronics, multiferroics, magnetoplasmonics, magnetoacoustics, magnetoelasticity, topological physics, magnetocalorics, molecular magnetism, and computational micromagnetism.

The symposium will consist of invited talks, along with a

poster session for submitted contributions.

Given the time frame, a few submissions will be considered for oral presentation.



Plenary Talk : Prof Matthias Kläui - Institute of Physics, University of Mainz

"Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons"


Dr. Lucian Prejbeanu - CEA-SPINTEC, Grenoble

"An Overview of the PEPR SPIN project & recent advances on Magnetic Memories"

Confirmed Invited talks:

  • Alberto Amo (Phlam - Université de Lille): Artificial magnetism and topology in photonic lattices
  • Hélène Béa (CEA-SPINTEC)Control of the chirality of magnetic skyrmions and domain walls with a gate voltage  
  • Martin Bowen (IPCMS): Spintronics & Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Béatrice Dagens (C2N - Université Paris-Saclay): Nonreciprocal magnetoplasmonic devices
  • Aurore Finco (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Montpellier): Nanoscale magnetic imaging with quantum sensors
  • Aurélien Manchon (CINAM - Université Aix-Marseille): Harvesting spin-orbit physics at interfaces
  • Pierre Morel (Université du Littoral): Magnetism in neuroscience
  • Romain Lebrun (UMPhy CNRS-Thalès): GHz and THz magnonic devices 
  • Nathan Leroux (Forschungzsentrum Jülich): Deep neural networks with microwave connected spintronic nano-neurons
  • Martino LoBue (SATIE-MME): Thermal energy harvesting with magnetocalorics
  • Milan Orlita (LNCMI - Grenoble): Magneto-optics of topological materials
  • Dafiné Ravelosona (C2N - Université Paris-Saclay): Increasing the performance of magnetic memories (TBC)
  • François Royer (Laboratoire Hubert Curien – Saint Etienne): Functionnal magnetic nanocomposite for magneto-photonic devices
  • Hakeim Talleb (GeePs - Sorbonne Université): Multiphysic modeling of magnetoelectric composites by the finite elements method
  • Vasily Temnov (LSI - Ecole Polytechnique): Pulsed laser fabrication for ultrafast magneto-acoustics



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